Tompkins’ international pedigree is unquestionable, as is his influence upon a younger generation of New Zealand painters including Shane Cotton and Seraphine Pick. From 1985 – 1995 Riduan Tomkins was senior lecturer in painting at the University of Canterbury. His painterly approach coupled with the intellectual rigour of his work, left an indelible impression upon new painters emerging from Ilam from the mid 80s to the present.
Riduan Tomkins’ paintings are lyrical puzzles. They counterpoise abstraction with figuration, reason with yearning, and theory with dictum.
Riduan Tomkins Painting
We were very excited to have some of our Good Form pieces used in a styled feature by the talented Sara Black in the latest edition of HOME magazine. "Good vintage – Classic and modern designs take their place, standing in their own light, space and time."